Cordova Falls is a perfect place to explore waterfalls. There are at least three waterfalls/chutes along this stretch of the Cordova River, which drops a total of 28 metres.
The largest, Upper Cordova Falls is found immediately below a dam at the southern outlet of Cordova Lake. Here, the Crowe River tumbles down a narrow rocky channel perhaps 100 metres long. The river drops about 10 metres, falling not as one main cascade, but rather in at least five distinct smaller drops, separated by short pools. By walking along a poorly marked trail leading south from the dam, you can get to the lower reaches of the falls.
Middle Cordova Falls is perhaps the most photogenic of the three waterfalls, forming a pretty five-metre-high cascade set among cedars and hemlocks. It is partially hidden behind the Cordova Lake Hydroelectric Generating Station, and is difficult to view up close without a little adventuring. A portion of the river’s discharge that would have flowed over these falls is diverted at the upper falls and delivered 200 metres to the hydroelectric plant by a long, wooden penstock. Opened in 1992, the station generates a peak output of 780 kW, which is enough to power about 50 homes.
Lower Cordova Falls are the smallest, but are located beside a beautiful rock-floored clearing in the woods. You’ll find them hidden at the end of a short driveway on the right side of the road a few minutes’ drive further south. is perhaps the most photogenic of the three waterfalls, forming a pretty five-metre-high cascade set among cedars and hemlocks.